Woodland Fairy

This Woodland Fairy costume was created for my friends daughter, who is a gorgeous dancer. We had such a lot of fun working on this one, hunting down fabric, trim and anything that might make this fairy costume a bit different. I tried to keep to a limited number of colours and fabrics and re used them in the props to give the whole set some continuity. Most of the flowers I made using the same fabrics, heat sealing the edges so they wouldn’t fray. The nest was made from a pot plant, coconut fibre insert decorated with feathers, wool and wool fibre. The egg posed an interesting design hurdle to overcome. This naughty woodland fairy was to steal an egg, drop it and break it. So..it could not roll, bounce or make a large thud when dropped. In the end I shaped a small bean bag into an egg shape and needle felted it to look like the others.




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